The Bug Knight cards

Nail StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage.
Pogo StrikeBasicAttack0Deal 4 (7) damage. Discard 1 card. Draw 1 card.
Quick DashBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Simple FocusBasicSkill1Focus 3: (not Focus 3:)Heal 6 HP. Heals for 2 less each time it's used this combat. Exhaust on the final use.
Dark NestlingSpecialAttack0Void 1: Deal 0 (1) damage. For every 3 Void increase the damage dealt by 1. Exhaust.
InfectlingSpecialAttack0Apply 1 Poison. Exhaust.
Myla's SalvationSpecialSkill1 (0)Return a card from your Exhaust pile to your Hand. Exhaust.
NestlingSpecialAttack0Deal 3 (4) damage. Exhaust.
Spirit NestlingSpecialAttack0Focus 1: Deal 2 (3) damage. Heal 1 HP. Exhaust.
The Last StagSpecialSkill0Take a card from your draw pile into hand.(Take a card from your discard pile into hand.)
ZotelingSpecialAttack0Deal 1 (2) damage. Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
Channel NailCommonSkill0Focus 3: Next turn, gain [E] and Draw 1 Extra Card. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Cloak DashCommonSkill0(NL) Gain 5 Block. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Exhaust.
Cornifer's MapCommonSkill0Focus 4 (3) : Draw 3 cards.
Cyclone SlashCommonAttack1Deal 7 (8) damage to ALL enemies. Increase this card's damage by 1 (2) for the rest of the combat.
Dash SlashCommonAttack1Gain 4 (6) Block. Deal 6 (9) damage.
Descending DarkCommonAttack1Void 2: Deal 11 (16) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Double DashCommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Gain 3 (5) Block next turn.
Good IntentionsCommonSkill2Gain 10 Block. Gain 2 hollowmod:Soul.(Gain 1 Plated Armor)
Heavy BlowCommonAttack2Deal 12 (16) damage and apply 2 (3) Weak.
Howling WraithsCommonAttack2Focus 3: Deal 18 (24) damage to ALL enemies.
Infected AttackCommonAttack1Deal 4 damage. Apply 4 (6) Poison. Infection 3 .
Infected CystsCommonAttack2Deal 11 damage and apply 3 (6) Poison to ALL enemies. Infection 4 . Exhaust.
Jinn's SoulCommonSkill1Lose all hollowmod:Soul, Void and Infection. Gain 1 Temporary_HP for each point lost. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Lifeblood CocoonCommonSkill1Gain 2 (4) Temporary_HP each time you play an attack this turn.
Shadow DashCommonSkill0Void 1: Gain Block equal to your Void Level. Exhaust (not Exhaust)
Sharpened NailCommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage. If the enemy is Weak, Deal the same damage to ALL other enemies.
Sibling's SoulsCommonSkill1 (0)Add a Copy of the next played attack or skill to your hand. Exhaust.
Soul SplashCommonSkill0Focus 2 : Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Draw a card.
Soul StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. Gain 1 (2) Additional hollowmod:Soul.
Tainted HusksCommonSkill1Apply 2 Poison to a random enemy 2 (4) times. Infection 3.
The Little FoolCommonAttack0Exhaust a card. If you do, deal 2 (5) damage.
Vengeful VoidCommonAttack1Void 2: Deal 4 damage 2 (3) times. Exhaust.
Wraith StrikeCommonAttack2Void 2: Deal 8 (10) damage and Apply 1 (2) Weak. Void Bonus affects this card's damage 50% more.
Abyss ShriekUncommonAttack2Void 2: Deal 15 (20) damage to ALL enemies. You cannot play any more Attacks this turn.
Baldur ShellUncommonPower1(Innate.) Whenever you Focus, gain 5 Block.
Black TendrilsUncommonAttack1Void 3: Deal 6 damage to a random enemy. Heal for 33% (50%) the total damage dealt. (Including Void bonus.) Exhaust.
Broken VesselUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you take damage from Infection, deal that damage to ALL enemies. This Effect can Stack.
Coiled NailUncommonAttack2Deal 11 (16) damage. If the target is Vulnerable, repeat this effect.
Crystal DashUncommonSkill2Discard your hand and gain 4 (5) Block for each card discarded.
Defender's AuraUncommonSkill2Gain 10 (15) Block. Whenever an enemy attacks you this turn, apply 2 Poison to them.
Desolate DiveUncommonAttack0Focus 5 (4) : Deal 11 (15) damage to ALL enemies.
Dream GateUncommonSkill0Exhaust a card, return the top (2) card(s) of your discard pile to your hand. Exhaust
Fast StrikeUncommonAttack1Discard 1 card. Deal 3 (4) damage and apply 1 Vulnerable to 2 (3) random enemies.
Fury of the FallenUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. If you are below 25% HP, Deal 3 times that amount instead.
Glowing WombUncommonPower1 (0)At the start of your turn, if you have Infection, gain Block equal to 4 plus any Dexterity and lose 1 Infection. Infection 5.
Great SlashUncommonAttack2Deal 6 damage to ALL enemies 2 (3) times.
Grimm's GiftUncommonSkill1 (0)Each time you damage an enemy this turn, apply 1 Vulnerable to them.
GrubsongUncommonPower1The first (!M!) time(s) you are attacked each turn, Gain 1 hollowmod:Soul.
Hunter's JournalUncommonSkill0Draw 2 cards (, Gain 1 [E]). (NL) Exhaust
Infection AssaultUncommonAttack1Deal 8 damage, plus an additional 2 (4) damage for every Infection.
Lurien's SpireUncommonSkill1Remove all Infection and Gain that amount of hollowmod:Soul or, if you have Void, gain Void instead. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Mantis MarkUncommonSkill0Gain 1 (2) Strength. Exhaust.
Mawlek's ShellUncommonSkill2 (1)Gain 1 Dexterity. Infection 4.
Monarch WingsUncommonSkill1For the next 2 (3) turns, double the Block of any Dash cards played. Exhaust.
Monomon's ArchiveUncommonSkill0Focus 5: Gain 15 (20) Block.
Moth's MistakeUncommonPower1At the Start of your turn, apply 2 (3) Poison to ALL enemies, and gain 1 Infection.
Perfect DashUncommonSkill2Gain 1 Intangible. (Gain !B! Block.) Exhaust.
Pure Nail StrikeUncommonAttack2Focus X: Deal 9 damage. Deal an additional 3 (5) damage for each hollowmod:Soul Spent.
Quirrel's AssistanceUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (11) damage to a random enemy.Apply 1 (2) Weak to a random enemy.
Recoil StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 8 damage. Return a Dash card from your discard pile to hand. (It costs 1 Less [E] this turn.)
Shape of UnnUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you play a Spell, Return 1 Dash in your Discard pile to your hand.
Sharpened ShadowsUncommonPower2While you have Void, Playing a Dash Card will deal 4 (6) damage to a random enemy.
Sibling's ShadowUncommonSkill0Void 1: Return 1 (2) Void cards from your Exhaust pile to your hand. Exhaust.
Soul EaterUncommonPower2 (1)Whenever you play an attack card, generate 1 hollowmod:Soul . Doesn't work for Spell or Ally attacks.
Soul ShamanUncommonSkill0Focus 5: Gain [E] ([E]).
Soul VesselUncommonPower1Increase the maximum hollowmod:Soul the Soul hollowmod:Meter can hold by 2 (3) this combat.
Vengeful SpiritUncommonAttack1Focus 2:Deal 8 (12) damage. Then deal half that amount again.
Awoken Dream NailRareAttack3Deal 20 (26) damage. Increase the Soul hollowmod:Meter Limit by 1 (2) for this combat, and fill your Soul hollowmod:Meter
Elderbug's WisdomRarePower2 (1)Whenever you play an Ally card, draw 1 card.
Herrah's NestRareSkill2 (1)At the start of your next turn, add 3 hollowmod:Nestlings to your hand, plus an additional Nestling for each Ally card played for the rest of this turn.
HivebloodRareSkill1Lose 10 (14) HP. Gain half that amount as Regen. Exhaust.
Hornet's HelpRareAttackXGain X Block and deal X damage to a random enemy 4 (5) times.
Infected GuardianRareSkill1 (0)Can only be played if you have at least 4 Infection, Double ALL enemies Poison. Double your Infection. Exhaust.
Lifeblood CoreRareSkill1Ethereal (not Ethereal) Lose all Block. Gain 2 Temporary_HP for each Block lost. Exhaust
Lord of ShadesRarePower3 (2)Ethereal Void 1: While Void is active, gain 1 Thorn for every 2 Block gained. ALL Thorn is reduced by half at the end of each turn.
Midwife's HungerRareAttack2Deal 1 (3) damage 1 time for every permanent Ally in your deck.
Pale King's BlessingRareSkill1Heal 3 (6) HP. Heal 1 Additional HP for each Infection. Exhaust.
Pure VesselRarePower2(Retain)At the start of your turn (Turn), pay 1 hollowmod:Soul to Gain 1 Strength. These values increase by 1 each turn. If you cannot pay: lose this power and any gained Strength.
Radiance's LamentRareSkill2Return all other Infection (Infection) cards from your discard, draw and Exhaust piles to your hand. (They cost 1 less [E] this turn.) Exhaust (.)
Sly's StrikesRarePower2 (1)Ethereal. Gain 1 Strength at the beginning of each of your turns.
Soul MasterRarePower2(Innate.)FocusSpells cost 1 less hollowmod:Soul. VoidSpells generate 1 extra Void.
The NailsmithRareSkill1 (0)Whenever a Non - Spell attack is used this turn, upgrade it for the rest of the combat.
Void DashRareSkill2Void 2: Gain 16 (20) Block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, return 3 (5) damage and apply 1 Vulnerable. (Applies 2 Vulnerable if they have none.)
WeaversongRarePower2Whenever you play an attack, deal 4 (6) damage to a random enemy.
White Lady's BlessingRarePower0Void 1 (2): While you have Void, you may Focus The Spell will be Exhausted.
Zote's MagnificenceRareAttack2Deal 30 (40) damage, Lose ALL of your current Block. Exhaust

The Bug Knight relics

Knight's MaskStarterBugknight_gray_colorGain 1hollowmod:Soul each time you play an Attack card. (Except hollowmod:Spell or Ally Attacks)All vessels carry a mask.
Isma's TearCommonBugknight_gray_colorWheneverInfection damages you, take 2 less damage.Fruit formed from a single hardened tear.
Millibelle's NoteCommonBugknight_gray_colorBegin each combat with 2Soul.Still not interested? You're far too hesitant.
Pale OreCommonStarting Strikes deal 2 additional damage.Prized by those who craft weapons.
The King's BrandCommonBugknight_gray_colorAs long as you have enough Infection, Focus will spend Infection instead of Soul (Even while in Void).Hallownest's ancient places shall open before it.
Delicate FlowerUncommonBugknight_gray_colorIf your HP is Full, gain Max Soul at the Beginning of Each turn.The Grey Mourner sends her Love.
Life EnderUncommonDraw a card after playing 5 attacks.Another fool to be cut down by Life Ender...
Lumafly LanternUncommonBugknight_gray_colorWhenever you draw an Ally gain 1 Block.Brightens dark caverns so wanderers can find their way.
Mantis ClawUncommonBugknight_gray_colorWhenever you play 3 Dash cards in one turn, gain 1 [E]Claw carved from bone.
Stag's PassUncommonCards Purchased from Shops are automatically upgraded.The sound of the bell will always call me back.
Queens CombRareUpon Pickup Lose33%MaxHP. Until you take health damage each combat, heal for 4HP at the start of your turn.Golden nugget of the Hive's precious comb.
The Great Knight's MaskSpecialBugknight_gray_colorZote needs no effect.Fear not, cur... Your death will be swift
KingsSoulBossBugknight_gray_colorReplaces Knight's Mask or Void Idol. Gain 4Soul at the beginning of your turn. Increases SoulMeterLimit by 2Holy charm symbolising a union between higher beings.
Void IdolBossBugknight_gray_colorReplaces Knight's Mask or King's Soul. You can no longer Gain Soul. Void cards no longer Exhaust. Nail Strikes now ExhaustA Mask formed of liquid from the Abyss, perfectly still.
Joni's BlessingShopBegin each combat with 15TemporaryHP. Healing in combat instead increases TemporaryHP.Blessed by Joni, the kindly heretic. Transfigures vital fluids into blue lifeblood.

The Bug Knight keywords

[#60CFFF]Dash , [#60CFFF]Ally , [#60CFFF]SpellDash , Ally and Spell have no innate effects, but may be given effects from other sources.
[#EFFAFF]Soul [#EFFAFF]MeterHolds your collected Soul . By default, the Soul Meter limit is 6 stored Soul.
NestlingsNestlings are 0 cost Attack cards which Exhaust. Nestlings have different effects depending on the player model.
[#EFFAFF]SoulA unique resource the player can spend with Focus to activate certain Spells.

The Bug Knight creatures

the Bug KnightPlayer75
Husk SentryNormal54
Husk WarriorNormal41
Little WeaverNormal25
Moss KnightElite93
Nightmare King GrimmBoss317
Slobbering HuskNormal229
Stalking DevoutElite176
The False KnightBoss224
The RadianceBoss625
Violent HuskNormal223
Zote the MightyElite1000